Old Subject: Green Investment

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21 results returned.
AIGCC is "a project within the Investor Group on Climate Change" based in Australia/New Zealand (IGCC). The  group of investors "aims to create awareness among Asia’s asset owners and financial...

It aims to "activate investor capital toward solutions for people and planet" with a dedication to the pursuit of financial return and social change; managing investments for "endowments, foundations, mission-driven...

A non-profit organization that strives for a sustainable future by transforming the economy. It works with a global network of companies, investors and policymakers, encouraging them to incorporate more sustainable...

373 investors with >$35 trillion in assets under management (219 in Europe, 103 in North America, 29 in Australia) seek to ensure that the world’s large carbon emitters take critical...

Founded by Trevor Neilson, Rory Kennedy, and Aileen Getty to support activists working on waking up the public; >$1m raised. It "supports disruptive nonviolent climate activism because it is the...

A non-profit trade association that focuses on climate investment policy and market mechanisms. They act as a private sector observer to the Green Climate Fund, the World Bank’s Climate Investment...

A non-profit "advocacy initiative of Generation Investment Management, a boutique investment manager." It was established to "strengthen the case for Sustainable Capitalism" by "mobilizing asset owners, asset managers, companies and...

It seeks integration of economic growth and environmental sustainability, seen as essential for the future of humankind. As such, it promotes a new model of economic growth known as “green...

It was "founded on the belief that in order to live and thrive on our planet, we must make an inevitable economic and technological transition to sustainability.” Its investment strategies...

Tries "to help people save for their future without compromising their values. Aims to find new, innovative ways to use the power of investing to create change; with momentum growing...