Old Subject: Global Ecology

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Its courses help people to develop a healthy relationship with the environment; pushing the boundaries of how we think about and act on the planet. Its programs' concepts and methods...

Until 2007 known as the Carnegie Institution of Washington, it was founded as a non-profit for scientific discovery, “to encourage, in the broadest and most liberal manner, investigation, research, and...

An intergenerational platform "working to protect our planetary ecosystems, with an immediate focus on the Arctic and Antarctic." Publications: ResourcesArticlesPress

Is a network of over 250 scholars worldwide from ”diverse disciplines, including ecology, biology, philosophy, epidemiology, public health, ecological economics, and international law.” It works under the motto of ”Sustaining...

Is an “independent non-profit research organization focusing on innovative and disruptive research in Ecology, Biodiversity and Public Health.” The organization has deep ties with “universities, government labs and other institutes...

It aims to promote the development of ecology as a scientific discipline. Consequently, it carries out high-quality research, trains researchers and professionals in ecology, participates in the dissemination of scientific...

It is dedicated to "reconnecting ecology, culture, and spirituality, as well as to supporting initiatives and organizations that uphold a sacred relationship with life on Earth"; striving for a future...

It supports the actions of civil society movements and organisations in favour of a social and ecological transition." Programs: Regional Integration, Peace and Cooperation Territorialised Sustainable Food Systems Territories and...