Old Subject: Freshwater

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7 results returned.
Is an international natural research station operated by the International Institute of Sustainable Development since 2014 after being defunded by the Government of Canada in 2012. ELA is “comprised of...

Is an environmental research organization that aims to “promote the preservation of Earth's freshwater through research, writing, outreach and public speaking.” Publications: Books Blog Videos  

Is a global organization striving "to protect rivers and defend the rights of communities that depend on them." It works on "shifting the water and energy paradigm away from destructive...

The foundation is financed through the revenue of the water brand One that was established with the vision to create “a world in which everyone has access to clean and...

It's providing "water quality professionals with the latest in water quality education, training, and business opportunities." Its members, "including scientists, engineers, regulators, academics, plant managers and operators, and other professionals,"...

It is a research and extension unit that focuses on scientific research, education, community outreach, and engagement with a spectrum of topics, including water management and planning, water conservation, water...

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) commissioned the WWAP to produce a UN system-wide periodic global overview (at first triennial,  now annual) of the status (quantity and quality), use,...