Old Subject: Forests

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34 results returned.
The Forum emerged from a project that was conducted by the African Forest Research Network at the African Academy of Sciences, with the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,...

It's a project that's put forward by the Government of German and the IUCN,  challenging nations of the world to restore 150 million hectares of degraded/deforested land by 2020 and...

A community organized non-profit with the "mission is to grow urban tree canopy in Midpeninsula communities for the benefit of all." Programs: Tree Planting Tree Care Tree Walks Tree Plotter...

Is a nonprofit scientific research organization striving for a “more equitable world where forestry and landscapes enhance the environment and well-being for all.” It conducts “research on the most pressing...

It is a joint research institute with its own legal personality that conducts research and designs new conceptual and methodological tools in the field of terrestrial ecology, in particular forest...

The Climate and Land Use Alliance is a “collaborative of foundations” that “seeks to realize the potential of forests and land use to mitigate climate change, benefit people, and protect...

The Coalition for Rainforest Nations is an intergovernmental organization that provides “diplomatic leadership through efforts across government, academia and industry to address the complex issues surrounding environmental sustainability specific to...

The Community Carbon Trees is an organization striving to “counteract deforestation by providing wildlife corridors and habits biodiversity as well as mitigating the effects of climate change in the environment.”...

The Earth Innovation Institute "works to advance climate-friendly rural development through innovative approaches to sustainable farming, forestry and fisheries in tropical regions around the world" aiming to shape "public policy...

Ecosystems Marketplace is a “web-based information platform” and an initiative of Forest Trends that works to increase transparency and provide reliable information for ecosystem services and payment schemes. It believes that...