Old Subject: Fisheries

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8 results returned.
It's a group of "problem solvers designing and implementing data-driven solutions that protect and restore America’s freshwater." They use " science, technology, policy and finance to build and manage solutions...

It acts as an open-access online tool to track global fishing apparent activity in near-real time and provides the world's first global view of commercial fishing, aiming to advance ocean...

Green Wave (2014, 12 staff; greenwave.org) Creates polyculture ocean farming systems to produce high yields of shellfish and seaweed in small footprints. “Less than 5% of the US’ waters would...

It is focused on "science-based initiatives for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks, reducing bycatch and promoting ecosystem health." ISSF has "three distinct lines of approach –...

The IWC was set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling in order to “provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the...

It's a "global partnership of 17 leading institutes working to advance our comprehensive understanding of the global human-ocean system across the natural and social sciences." Their innovative, international ocean research...

Seeks to bring people together to find science-based solutions to defend the ocean and its wildlife, and the millions who earn their living from the ocean. Since it's founding, it...

Shellcatch is a company, which "provides a monitoring platform with software, hardware and IT support to transform the way fisheries are monitored, managed and how fishers engage customers."  They provide...