Old Subject: Energy and Politics

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It advocates for limited government, free markets, individual liberty, and peace. It conducts comprehensive research and organizes conferences and events to support its mission. Its scholars and experts work on...

Cross-Brookings Initiative on Energy and Climate ([ND], Washington; no dedicated staff, 20 experts; brookings.edu/project/cross-brookings-initiative-on-energy-and-climate) Brookings Institution scholars doing research in the energy and climate space designed to catalyze a focused...

Is an "independent, non-profit, non-partisan global network of scientists and parliamentarians," working to "change the status quo and open new perspectives, giving a voice to objective science." The network is...

ERI analyzes economic, political, social, and cultural developments in the Eurasian region, focusing on Turkic-speaking countries and communities. The institute publishes books and projects covering various topics, including the economy,...

An "interagency mechanism within the system of the United Nations," a small entity which hasn't gained the status of being a program. It aims to "create a coherent approach towards...