Old Subject: Conflict Free

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15 results returned.
It strives for an "efficient justice system"; promoting the "mutual respect and acknowledgement of differences among communities" and encouraging the adoption of "mediation as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism" by...

An international organization dedicated "to promoting the protection of civilians caught in conflict." It assesses "the causes of civilian harm in particular conflicts, crafts practical solutions to address that harm,...

A private diplomacy organization working to help "prevent, mitigate, and resolve armed conflict through dialogue and mediation." Work areas: Humanitarian mediation Oslo Forum Publications: Latest updates e-Library  

An independent non-governmental organization working to understand and prevent violence as well as to "heal its effects and build sustainable peace at the community, national and regional levels." Consequently, it...

An independent non-profit organization focused "on tensions and polarization in the Arab world. It aims to enhance theoretical and practical conflict transformation resources in its regions of work." CPIG works...

It acts in favour of cultural heritage in conflict areas via an aid programme which enables it to be flexible and to react quickly. The international cooperation initiative has been...

It promotes "the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, as well as to enhance understanding and cooperation." It's mandate and structure is designed to "foster dialogue among...

It's used to prevent "conflict diamonds  from entering the mainstream rough diamond market by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/56 following recommendations in the Fowler Report." It has been enshrined...

A university research center that "aims to bring scholars and practitioners of reconciliation together to both research reconciliation practices and develop the impact of ongoing and future reconciliation processes." Work...

An international organization advancing peace through mediation, capacity building and providing consultancy services with the aim of building a more peaceful​ world. Work areas: Climate Change Policy Project Sierra Leone...