Old Subject: Climate Change Mitigation

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14 results returned.
With a focus on tackling systemic climate and ecological security risks, its vision is to create  “a climate-resilient world…which recognizes that climate change risks are unprecedented in human history, and...

CICERO is a private, independent and interdisciplinary research organization for environmental studies and climate research affiliated with the University of Oslo. It strives to acquire insights which can contribute to the...

Is a policy-making body of the government directly affiliated with the Office of the President tasked with supervising government programs and ensuring they contribute to a more “climate-resilient and climate-smart...

The Earth Innovation Institute "works to advance climate-friendly rural development through innovative approaches to sustainable farming, forestry and fisheries in tropical regions around the world" aiming to shape "public policy...

An international open source scientific journal of the European Geoscience Union that takes a broad perspective of the functioning of the whole Earth system and global change. They employ an...

An operating entity of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), “dedicated to helping developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.” It...

Is affiliated with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). It finances “climate and biodiversity projects in developing and newly industrialising countries, as well as...

A non-governmental organisation that "operates a multidisciplinary network of professionals, researchers, academics and students across the globe active in promoting sustainable energy, environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation in Africa."...

A scientific think tank that combines "high-level economic and social science analyses with a structured approach at the science-policy interface." It provides solution-oriented policy portfolios for climate mitigation, for governing...

Stiftung Mercator (1996, Essen, Germany; 95 staff; www.stiftung-mercator.de/en/) Is an independent and private foundation. It strives for a society characterized by openness to the world, solidarity and equal opportunities. Consequently, it supports...